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Centering Prayer Twice a day, Every day, Once for maintenance, Twice for transformation

We meet on Monday’s in the Youth Room at Holy Cross from 1:00-3:00
Our Format: Welcome, 2 twenty minute sits,  short meditation walk, brief reading and discussion.

Visit for Contemplative Prayer event options and helpful information to better your contemplative prayer experience.

Visit for idea's and support to better your contemplative prayer experience.

Visit for updates and upcoming events from the Center for Action and Contemplation.

Three Pamphlets are available at Holy Cross, thanks to Cathy Christiansen:
The Method of Centering Prayer The Prayer of Consent by Thomas Keating
12 Step Outreach Centering Prayer
The Vision of Contemplative Outreach by Thomas Keating

There is also a free Centering Prayer App on smart phones which include opening prayer, beginning sounds, silence duration, ending sounds, and closing prayer.

Contact Paula McDonald with questions or for more information.