Oh, Happy Day!
Yes, indeed! Sunday April 28, the Children of Holy Cross Lutheran Church lead worship and as always, with panache! The Children are being joined by alumni, Middle School/High School Ensemble who are the Music Worship Leaders for the day and Chancel Choir who join the Children and Youth for the final song.
Our playlist for the day includes “Oh Happy Day” (arranged by Edwin Hawkins), “If I Were a Fish” by Corook & Olivia Barton, “The Spinning Song” by Albert Elmenreich (Did you know that this piece is in Public domain and resides in the Library of Congress? Our Radical Ringers are definitely spinning those notes!), and, of course, some of your hymn favorites.
As always, it is a 9:30 a.m service. Just so you know, I love the way Holy Cross Lutheran supports our Children and Youth. What a fantastic community!
Musically Yours,
Becky Jones
Worship and Music Coordinator