Remember that you are dust and to dust you shall return…
Every year we enter into the season of Lent with these words, “Remember that you are dust and to dust you shall return.” No matter our age, these words remind us that we are all temporary; that we will all die and be returned to the earth.
I know that lots of people don’t like to think about that sort of thing, but I actually find it very comforting. It is extremely grounding (no pun intended) to remember that we are dust - sculpted out of mud, as the Genesis myth describes; or made up of stardust, as modern science explains it. We are all connected to the earth - connected to creation - on a deep, cellular level. We are united with one another and with all of God’s creation in this intimate way.
It is also comforting to be reminded that we will return to dust. “This too shall pass” as the 12-step program slogan goes. In other words, nothing in this life is permanent. This feels like a burden lightened when we apply it to our struggles, our fears, and our pain. None of it will last forever. There is so much fear and anger, grief and pain in the world today and it can feel absolutely overwhelming. Ash Wednesday reminds us that no matter how heavy the burden may feel, it is not forever.
I am so grateful for the gift of Lent this year. I am grateful for the reminder that I am irrevocably connected to all of humanity and all of creation, as a creature made from dust. I am grateful for the reminder that none of my fear, worry, anger, or grief will last forever. All of it is temporary. And I am grateful for the invitation into Lenten practices that encourage me to lay all of it at the foot of the cross - I do not have to carry any of it alone.
Please join me on March 5th at 6:30pm for our Ash Wednesday service as we remember that we are dust and begin our Lenten Journey together.
Then, throughout the season of Lent, try out some new spiritual practices - read through the Psalms, try a daily prayer journal where you write out your laments to God, come for Wednesday night worship at 6:30pm as we sing Holden Evening prayer, or set aside a quiet half hour to just listen. Whatever you choose to do, Lent is a wonderful time to seek peaceful rest and deeper connection as we journey together towards the cross and the promise of resurrection.