We have officially made the decision to finish the 2020-2021 Sunday School year at home. As Covid numbers continue to rise and fall and rise and fall, we feel it's safest to finish out the next two months in the safety of our own homes. Becky & Kelsey will still plan to be live every Sunday following worship in our Holy Cross Faith Formation Facebook Group. Lessons will be posted there AND emailed to parents each week. Here are the lesson topics for the month of April:
April 4: EASTER SUNDAY (No Sunday School Lesson)
April 11: Jesus, Risen & Revealed
April 18: Community & Condemnation
April 25: Phillip Baptizes an Ethiopian
At the March council meeting, the decision was made to NOT do our annual Music, Art & VBS Camp in the summer of 2021. With the number of participants, activities, and singing, the logistics with Covid safety measures is just too hard. BUT - we are holding a traditional Vacation Bible School for the children of Holy Cross Monday through Thursday, July 19-22, 2021 from 6:00-7:45 PM. Our theme is "Who is My Neighbor?" - where we will explore the world together, discovering who our neighbors are and how we are called to love them. Watch for registration materials in the next month. I hope you can join us!
If you are looking for something for your kids to do this summer and if you love God and the outdoors, think about spending a few days at Camp Carol Joy Holling in Ashland, NE, this summer! Kids will experience music, games, outdoor education, team building, fun in the sun, Bible study, worship, and more! Visit their website to browse different camp options. You can even go as a family!