The season of Lent is coming to an end and Easter is upon us! A time of new life and hope! Let's take some deep breaths together as we think about this season of being made new.
Find a quiet, comfortable place to sit and relax. Maybe light a candle if you have one near. Repeat the following words in your mind or out loud with each inhale and exhale.
Inhale: The old is gone.
Exhale: A new creation is here.
"Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come: The old has gone, the new is here!"
2 Corintians 5:17
Spring is a time of newness. New green little buds on trees, new pops of colors in flowers from the ground, longer days of refreshing sunlight and blue skies. The dark of winter has gone and from it's brown grass and trees, new life is emerging. Let this be a reminder to you that God brings new life. God brings hope. We, as Christians, are resurrection people. We are new life people! God finds us in the dark (and in the light!) of our lives, works in us and through us to bring new life and hope to the world. The old is gone - a new creation is here!
Confirmation class will resume inside, as long as the rolling average of Covid cases in Douglas County stays below 20 per 100,000. This changes weekly, so be sure to keep an eye on your emails for plans each week. Thank you for being flexible!
Mark your calendars for Sunday May 9, 2021 - we will be celebrating our Holy Cross 8th graders who are saying yes to their Baptismal Promises!
Mark your calendars for Sunday May 16, 2021! We will be celebrating our Holy Cross Seniors. Parents, watch your emails for the Senior Information form this month.
Registration for our 2021 Summer Youth Trip to Lake of the Ozarks is LIVE and the registrationd deadline is April 1!! CLICK HERE to register for our trip to the lake June 20-24, 2021.
We have officially moved INSIDE the building for Youth Group on Wednesday nights at 7:00 PM. It's been so good to see your high school youth in person! As always with this pandemic, things are constantly changing. We will continue to meet inside as long as the rolling average of Covid cases in Douglas County stays below 20 per 100,000. Please watch your emails for weekly updates on where Youth Group will be held. Information will also be texted to the youth on Wednesdays after school hours.
If your high school youth is looking for something to do this summer, I encourage you to check out Carol Joy Holling Camp! Your high school youth will become a part of a faith community, spend time in God's creation, create, learn and explore. There on on site camp choices, an option to take a road trip to northern Wisconsin, AND a Colorado backpacking trip! CLICK HERE to view the opportunities available for high school youth this summer at camp!