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Children's Ministry

Sunday School

Here is the Sunday School Schedule for the month of February:

February 4: No Sunday School - RIC Celebration!
February 11: The Transfiguration
February 18: Noah's Ark
February 25: Abraham & Sarah's Visitors

Wednesday Night Programming

6:00 - Uke Choir (K-5th)
6:30 - Mid Week Worship
7:00 - Radical Ringers (K-5th)

Junior High

Acolyte Schedule

Here is the February acolyte schedule:
February 4: Piper F.
February 11: Tyler G
February 18: Harrison G.
February 25: Ella K.


Here is the February Confirmation Schedule:
February 7: Pentecost
February 14: NO CONFIRMATION - Ash Wednesday

February 21: 
Baptism of the Ethiopian
February 28: 
Love Hymn

Each week will have the same format:
6:00-6:25 - Confirmation 
6:30 - Mid Week Worship
7:00-7:30 - Confirmation

Middle School Lock-In at CJH

Save the date! We'll be headed to Carol Joy Holling Camp in Ashland for the Middle School Lock In on March 8-9. Cost is $35, you can REGISTER HERE at any time. Please let Kelsey know if you've registered, so she can plan transportation. 

High School

Youth Group

February 14: No Youth Group! Please join us for Ash Wednesday Service.

We meet at 7:00 PM back in the Youth Room for about an hour. Each Wednesday night looks a little different - game nights, Youth Gathering Prep nights, study nights, social nights - whatever it looks like, we hope you can join us in this safe place for ALL high school teenagers. 

Chili Cook Off

Our annual Super Bowl Sunday Chili Cook Off is Sunday February 11th at 11:30. This will be a fundraiser for the Youth Fund, so please make sure you are there to help! It's always a super fun event! Watch your emails for more volunteer details!

You are a special and blessed Child of God!