Here is the Sunday School Schedule for the month of March:
March 3: The Ten Commandments
March 10: The Light of the World
March 17: Serve and Follow
March 24: Palm Sunday - Easter Egg Hunt during Sunday School Hour
March 31: Easter Sunday (No Sunday School)
6:00 - Uke Choir (K-5th)
6:30 - Holden Evening Prayer (Please attend with your children)
7:00 - Radical Ringers (K-5th)
On March 3rd and 10th, current 3rd graders will meet with Kelsey in the Cross Center to learn about the Lord's Prayer. We will have a Lord's Prayer Recognition on Sunday March 17th during worship.
On Palm Sunday, March 24th, we'll have our annual Easter Egg Hung in leiu of Sunday School. Meet in the Fellowship Hall for some activities before heading outside to hunt for eggs!
Each spring, Carol Joy Holling Camp hosts a fun outdoor day retreat for grades 1-6. This year, it will be Saturday April 20th from 9:00 am - 3:30 pm. Cost is $25 per child, and you can register HERE. We may have a handful of kids going from Holy Cross, so reach out to Kelsey if there is a need to carpool!
Here is the March acolyte schedule:
March 3: Jack F.
March 10: Tyler G
March 17: Emma R.
March 24: Jack F.
March 31: Anna G.
Here is the March Confirmation Schedule:
March 6: Last Supper
March 13: Crucifixion
March 20: Pantry Prep
March 27: Holy Week - NO CONFIRMATION
Each week will have the same format:
6:00-6:25 - Confirmation
6:30 - Mid Week Worship
7:00-7:30 - Confirmation
Save the date! We'll be headed to Carol Joy Holling Camp in Ashland for the Middle School Lock In on March 8-9. Cost is $35, you can REGISTER HERE at any time. Please let Kelsey know if you've registered, so she can plan transportation.
Get ready for ADVENTURE! We are headed to Des Moines, IA July 28-31, 2024! We'll spend a day at Adventureland and Adventure Bay Water Park, spend a day in service to others, and have lots of FUN doing both! Registration materials have been emailed to families and can be found on the back wall in the Narthex. Please reach out to Kelsey with questions!
March 27: No Youth Group! It's Holy Week.
We meet at 7:00 PM back in the Youth Room for about an hour. Each Wednesday night looks a little different - game nights, Youth Gathering Prep nights, study nights, social nights - whatever it looks like, we hope you can join us in this safe place for ALL high school teenagers.
Youth Gathering participants and their parents are asked to be at an important meeting on Sunday March 3rd following Sunday School. We'll cover the current state of our fundraising budget, introduce a new fundraiser, and chat about transportation. See you there!
The Sunday School kids will be doing their annual Easter Egg Hunt on Sunday March 24th. High School youth are invited to help! We'll need people to hide eggs outside, help line kids up, and hand out prizes. Watch for an email or text from Kelsey!
We have a tradition at Holy Cross that ALL high school youth help serve Easter Breakfast for our congregation on Easter Sunday. We will need lots of hands to help, so please plan to be there! Assignments will be emailed to parents in the next couple weeks. Thank you for your help in keeping this tradition strong at Holy Cross!