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Sunday School

Here is the Sunday School Schedule for the month of March:

March 2: The Transfiguration
March 9:
March 16:
God's Promises to Abram
March 23:
Parable of the Fig Tree
March 30:
The Prodigal Son

Wednesday Night Programming

6:00 - Uke Choir (K-5th)
6:30 - Mid Week Worship
7:00 - Radical Ringers (K-5th)

Junior High

Acolyte Schedule

Here is the March acolyte schedule:
March 2: Amelia F
March 9:
Anna G
March 16:
Harrison G
March 23:
Jack F
March 30:
Emma R


Here is the March Confirmation Schedule:
March 5: Ash Wednesday Service (No Confirmation - please attend worship with your family!)
March 12:
Lord's Prayer 4 - Pastor Heather
March 19:
Pantry Prep
March 26:
10 Commandments - Pastor Heather

Each week will have the same format:
6:00-6:25 - Confirmation 
6:30 - Mid Week Worship
7:00-7:30 - Confirmation

Middle School Lock-In at CJH

Save the date! We'll be headed to Carol Joy Holling Camp in Ashland for the Middle School Lock In on March 7-8. Cost is $35, you can REGISTER HERE at any time. Please let Kelsey know if you've registered, so she can plan transportation. 

Summer Trip Dates

The date has been set for our Junior High Road Trip to Kansas City! Mark your calendars for June 29-July 2, 2025! Regisdtration materials will be coming soon.

High School

Youth Group

We meet at 7:00 PM back in the Youth Room for about an hour. Each Wednesday night looks a little different - game nights, Youth Gathering Prep nights, study nights, social nights - whatever it looks like, we hope you can join us in this safe place for ALL high school teenagers. 

Save the Date!

On Friday April 4th at 6:00 pm, we are attending the Created Concert at UNL, put on by Lutheran Campus Ministries. This is a FREE event, and will be lots of fun! More details about transportation will come soon. For now, mark your calendars for Friday April 4th! 

Summer Trip Dates

Our date has been set! Plan to join us for a road trip to Colorado Springs July 25-30, 2025. Registration materials will be coming soon.

You are a special and blessed Child of God!