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The Holy Cross Food Pantry continues to serve the community the First Saturday and Third Thursday of every month.  We continue operating as a drive-thru pantry service. 

Thank You to all of our volunteers! We couldn't do what we do without you. 

Extreme Cold Cancels Pantry: For the first time ever, extreme cold forced the closure of the Food Bank on February 19, 2025 halting our food delivery and requiring us to cancel our Pantry scheduled for February 20, 2025.  The team pulled together and learned a lot through that process but were hoping we never need to put those lessons learned into practice again!

February Numbers: On February 1, 2025 we served 81 families, which equated to 403 individuals. 

Food Pantry Shoppers: We’ve had great response from our Food Pantry Shoppers.  The following items were donated in February: 13 boxes Mac & cheese, 10 cans fruit, 35 cans of soup, 9 cans veggies, 18 cans of tuna, 17 bars of soap, 6 boxes of crackers, 6 jars/cans of pasta sauce and 35 boxes of cereal!

If you are interested in knowing grocery deals around town so you can pick up a few things for the pantry while you're out and about, please email Peg Schneider at You'll receive an email or two a week with grocery sales and deals that will help stock our pantry.

Current Needs: If you are out shopping, consider grabbing something extra for our food pantry and dropping it in the blue bin in the coat closet hallway at church. Our greatest needs at the moment are – bath soap, cereal, fruit and a variety of crackers.

Daytime Hour Volunteers: We are searching for volunteers to help during daytime hours. This includes counting food, accepting Food Bank deliveries, and pre-pantry prep work. Please reach out to Kelli Joseph at,  Pat Kern at or David Magnuson at if you are available to help during week days.

We appreciate all of your support as we continue to serve the community.

March Pantry Dates:

  • Saturday, March 1, 8:00-9:30 am: Drive Up Pantry
  • Wednesday, March 19, 6:00 to 7:30 pm: Confirmation Pantry Prep
  • Thursday, March 20, 5:00-6:30 pm: Drive Up Pantry 

If you would like to volunteer to help with the March pantries, please click here to sign-up.

Thank you for your support of this critical ministry!

David Magnuson