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We do not yet know when we will be worshipping in our building. When we do return to worshipping inside, here are the guidlelines that were approved by the Council at its August 18 meeting:

General Information

  • Worship services will continue to be live streamed on Facebook Live and posted on our website.
  • Please do not attend worship if you are feeling ill, have been exposed to COVID-19, have compromised immune systems, or are at high risk of exposing others.
  • The Pray Ground has been removed. Parents are encouraged to bring quiet activities for their children to use in their pews.
  • There will not be bulletins. The worship service will be projected. Bulletins will continue to be emailed out.
  • Please do not gather in groups in the building to visit. Please step outside to visit with one another.
  • Please maintain a two-person limit in the restrooms

Upon Entering the Building

  • Please use hand sanitizer as you enter the building.
  • Face masks are required. There will have some available for those who arrive without them. (CDC does not recommend use of face shields for normal everyday activities or as a substitute for masks.*)
  • All people will be signed in as they arrive for worship. This is needed for possible contact tracing.**
  • Offering will not be received during worship. There will be an offering station in Narthex.

In the Sanctuary

  • The sanctuary seating has been reconfigured so that each row is six feet apart.
  • Please maintain a six feet space between households in the same row.
  • There will be no congregational singing. Becky, one or two singers, and the pastor will be singing.
  • If there are Children’s Messages, children will remain in their seats.
  • Worshipers are asked to bring their own communion elements. (For guests or for those who forget, there will be individually sealed juice and wafer cups available in the Narthex.)
  • Passing of the Peace will be done in a non-contact manner.
  • Worshipers will be ushered out of worship to avoid congestion.
  • The baptism font will have something to symbolize water.  Please, do not touch.

Worship Leadership

  • Acolytes will be assigned to light and extinguish candles.
  • One usher will be assigned.
  • An Assisting Minister will be assigned to lead the prayers. (They will speak from the pulpit, and can unmask when reading.)

*Considerations for Wearing Masks

**Worship Service Sign In - Worshipers and worship leaders will be signed-in as they enter the building. This is to aid our communication should we become aware of a possible viral exposure. If someone at the church has let us know that they have tested positive within two weeks of attending a particular service, we will presume there has been exposure and cancel in the building worship for two weeks to insure the safety of everyone concerned. We do hope you will let us know if you have tested positive, whether you have been in the building or not. If you have been in worship and test positive, your specific name will not be shared, but everyone who was signed in at a worship service you attended will be notified so that we can all take extra precautions to reduce the spread of the virus.