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Throughout March, we are making a journey together during the season of Lent.  It leads us right up to Palm/Passion Sunday, March 28, the beginning of Holy Week.   

Thursday, April 1 is Maundy Thursday where we remember the last supper.  The festive music that we celebrated with on Palm/Passion Sunday has now turned to a more somber mood.  The Sanctuary is stripped of color.   

As we return to the Sanctuary on Good Friday, the sacristy is draped in black.  We are in mourning as Jesus has been crucified.  The African American spiritual, “They Crucified My Lord,” painfully reminds us that Jesus was crucified, and they didn’t say “a mumbalin’ word” to stop the death of an innocent man.  To speak out against the injustice meant certain incarceration or even death to the protester.  No one said a word.  Not a word.  

They crucified my Lord, and they never said a mumbalin’ word.
They crucified my lord, and they never said a mumbalin’ word. 
Not a word.  Not a word.  Not a word.      

Yet, the story is not over.  Easter Sunday, April 4, we celebrate the risen Christ as the worship space transforms from the darkness of the tomb to the light of Christ. Christ is risen, indeed!   Take the journey.  Take the musical journey through Lent that leads us to Easter Sunday.  Perhaps, we will see each other on the way!

Musically yours,

Becky Jones-Worship and Music Coordinator