Lately, I have made a change in my office thanks to the help of Rohn Collins, Bill Sukstorf, and Jim Schneider. I have moved to the south side of my office, expanded my space, and have a lovely light green paint on my walls. I now call my office the “Happy Room” because I walk in and it makes me feel happy!
Knowing that I was moving to the new space with windows, I began rooting plants from home that would eventually sit in the windows of my new office. (Please keep in mind that I moved 4 feet south in the same room!) In my corner now sits an Aloe Vera plant, a Jewel plant, and a Spider plant. I talk to them and keep them company. ("It's True-You Really Should Talk to Your Plants")
This past Sunday was a big Sunday for us as we were back in the Sanctuary for worship, had beautiful special music by Peter Sukstorf (“Odeon” by Ernesto Nazareth) and Jerry Joseph (“Child of the Water”), AND a Baptism! I don’t want to make you jealous, but I had a perfect view of the baby during the baptism. It’s the kind of view that makes you have tears of joy.
After the service, Kelsey (Faith and Family Formation Director) and I ran to the Sunday School Wing and did a Sunday School FB Live with stories and songs for kids at home. You can see us, but we can’t see you. Yet, we know you are there! Then it is back to the office….not just any office: the “Happy Room.” Indeed, I smiled when I walked into the office! I watered my plants and turned them a quarter for equal light opportunity. Then……
I looked out my windows: one faces due south and the other due west. An SUV was making a hook turn around island of hosta in the parking lot. It was a careful turn, but it looked like it was coming right at me. Some SUV’s just don’t have the turning radius. I believe all ended well, yet, it was a gentle reminder to me. There are many things that we see through a window: joy, happiness, fear, sadness.
“Through the Window” by Ruth Elaine Schram is one of my favorite choral pieces that we have performed here at Holy Cross Lutheran Church with Chancel Choir and Children. It is a song about looking through a window watching others and taking the time to pray for them. Read the lyrics by Ruth Elaine Schram:
“Through the window I can see you. I am playing, you are praying.
Praying for me, faithfully praying, praying for my future.
Praying for my friends, praying for our fam’ly.
May those faithful prayers never end.”
Before I meander on and get to a new tangent, I will stop here. I will look out my window. I will pray for you and do so faithfully. Watching and praying. Thanks be to God.
Musically Yours,
Becky Jones