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February Worship Schedule

Because Easter is late this year, the entire month of February continues the season of Epiphany.   Depending on when Easter falls, the season of Epiphany can last anywhere from 4 to 9 weeks and the readings of the season focus on the revelation of who Jesus is.  Starting on January 6th with the commemoration of the magi who followed a star to find a child, Epiphany is a season of paying attention to how God makes God’s saving work known in the smallest and most ordinary ways.
(And our RIC celebration is at the end of the month!  So mark your calendar and plan to come celebrate!)


  • Feb 2          Epiphany 4                    Luke 4:21-30
  • Feb 9          Epiphany 5                    Luke 5:1-11
  • Feb 16        Epiphany 6                    Luke 6:17-26
  • Feb 23        Epiphany 7/                   Luke 6:27-38
                       RIC Celebration!!