Happy New Year!! This month is the beginning of a new year in our church calendar as we prepare for the coming of Christ during the four weeks of Advent. During this time of preparation, we will light a candle each week on our advent wreath. As we watch the light grow brighter in the midst of our darkness, we are reminded of both the coming of Christ, the light of the world, and our own baptismal call to “let your light shine before others, so that they may see your good works and glorify your father in heaven.”
Note: December 24th is both the 4th Sunday in Advent AND Christmas Eve this year. Our morning worship service will celebrate the final week in Advent while our evening services will be our Christmas Eve worship.
Dec 3 1st Sunday in Advent Mark 13:24-37
Dec 10 2nd Sunday in Advent Mark 1:1-8
Dec 17 3rd Sunday in Advent John 1:6-8, 19-28
Dec 24 4th Sunday in Advent Luke 1:26-38
Dec 24 Christmas Eve Luke 2:1-14 [15-20]