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Imagine a world where everyone experiences the love of God.  That is exactly what our congregational council did at this year’s council retreat.  As we dug into our mission and calling as a congregation and spent time envisioning how the world would look different when we truly live out our calling together, the vision of what our fulfilled mission would look like was both simple and radical: a world where everyone experiences the love of God.  What a beautiful image of the Kingdom of God.  What a worthwhile vision to work towards.

And that is what we are doing each and every day through our shared ministry here at Holy Cross.  We are working together towards that very vision.  In all the big and small ways that you participate in our life together, you are helping to live out our mission in the world, and helping to work towards that vision of a better world.  When you give money towards the work and ministry of Holy Cross, you are supporting our mission in the world, and working towards that same vision. 

When you give a financial gift to Holy Cross, you help to:

  • Feed up to 160 families per month, through the food pantry
  • Teach children about God’s love for them at VBS and weekly Sunday school
  • Provide space for health and wellness through weekly centering prayer, tai-chi, AA and CMA meetings
  • Reach out to people who can’t make it to church through Facebook live
  • Sing a joyful song to God through our music ministry for all ages
  • Send youth on transformative faith formation trips
  • Welcome all people - without exception - to share in the gift of Holy Communion

These are just a few of the ways that our community is sharing God’s love with the world.  This month we will have the opportunity to offer up our commitment to financially support the ministry and mission of Holy Cross in the coming year. We will do this as an act of worship on consecration Sunday, October 22nd.  Our financial support is one more way that we can participate in the mission, ministry, and vision of this community.  It is one of the many ways that we get to be a part of all the wonderful things this faith community is doing.

Imagine a world where everyone experiences the love of God.  That is the world God promises - a world where all are cared for, all are fed, all are loved.  That is the world that God calls us to work towards.  God calls us together for service and through us, God is able to bring about a better world.  Just Imagine!