This year, March 2nd is Ash Wednesday which brings us into the season of Lent. The season of Lent is a 40 day journey toward Easter - which falls on April 17th (if you notice that there are actually 47 days between Ash Wednesday and Easter, it’s because we don’t count Sundays - Sundays are always celebrations of the resurrection). During this journey we are invited to prepare ourselves for the gift of resurrection and rebirth by reflecting on our baptism. It is a wonderful time to try out a new spiritual discipline - meditation, a new prayer style (prayer journal, coloring prayer, lectio divina, labyrinth walking), tithing, or Sabbath keeping. One wonderful Lenten practice is mid-week worship. Throughout Lent you are invited to the Holden Evening Prayer service every Wednesday at 6:30pm.
On Sundays during this season, we will be continuing our journey through the Gospel of John. Here are the scripture readings for Sundays in the month of March: