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The 2024-25 Season of music is revving up! Look below and see the  available opportunities for you and your family!

Adults on Thursday Evenings beginning September 5, 2024
6:30 p.m.  Carolon Bells
7:30 p.m. Chancel Choir
Both of these choirs meet once a week with Chancel performing twice a month and Carolon performing approximately every 6 weeks.  These choirs play during Advent/Christmas Eve, Lent/Easter, and other occasions. All skill levels and voice parts encouraged!  

Middle School/High School (6th-12th) on Sunday mornings beginning September 8, 2024
10:50 a.m.  MS/HS Ensemble
11:10 a.m.  MS/HS Bell Choir
These choirs are the logical choice after graduating from the K-5 choirs.  The Ensemble sings as their own entity and then joins the Chancel Choir for Intergenerational pieces.  They sing several times during the year, including the last Sunday before Christmas where we celebrate the Advent season.  Bells?  It is the most fun of the week!  I don’t know why, but we always leave the rehearsal laughing!  No experience required.  Come on!

Children Sunday School Music (All Children) beginning September 8, 2024
10:35 a.m. Sunday School Music
After you finish your refreshment in the Fellowship Hall, meet in the Sanctuary to kick off the Sunday School hour with music!  We will rehearse songs that we’ll sing during the worship services.  Sunday School kids will sing for Christmas Eve and Palm Sunday-some of my favorite times!

Wednesday Night Kids’ Activities (K-5th grade) beginning September 11, 2024
6:00 p.m.  Ukulele Choir
6:30 p.m.  Worship
7:00 p.m.  Radical Ringers
All levels of musicianship welcomed!  It’s a great way to learn music, make new friends, and share your mid-week stories.  Our more experienced players are great about helping our new friends with the Ukes and chimes.  Always glad to say hello to new faces!

Want to know more? Send me an email:       Looking forward to hearing from you!

Musically Yours,

Becky Jones
Worship and Music Coordinator