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Having completed our detour into John for the “Bread of Life” discourse, we now return to Mark’s Gospel.  With the exception of two Holy Days (All Saints and Christ the King) and the celebration of the Reformation, we will continue in Mark for the remainder of the church year.

There are three months remaining in the “Time after Pentecost,” this extremely long season of the church year.  During the “green season” we maintain a focus on the life and ministry of Jesus as well as God’s on-going work in the world.

September 1         Pentecost 15                  Mark 7:1-8, 14-15, 21-23

September 8         Pentecost 16                  Mark 7:24-37

September 15       Pentecost 17                  Mark 8:27-38

September 22       Pentecost 18                  Mark 9:30-37

September 29       Pentecost 19                  Mark 9:38-50