Ash Wednesday marks the beginning of our journey through Lent. The music is reflective, meditative, and solemn. The Chancel Choir brings us the words of “Dust and Ashes” written by Brian Wren:
Dust and ashes touch our face, mark our failure and our falling.
Holy Spirit, come, walk with us tomorrow,
Take us as disciples, washed and wakened by your calling.
Brian Wren’s words continues with the refrain:
Take us by the hand and lead us, through the desert sands, bring us living water, Holy Spirit, come.
I love the words that Brian Wren shares with us. They are words that call for us to reflect and meditate. We are reminded that we are to return to dust and ashes. Yet, in all of our solemn approach to Ash Wednesday, it seems that our journey evolves into one of hope.
The following Wednesdays during Lent, we continue to meet at 6:30 p.m. for the mid-week “Holden Evening Prayer” by Marty Haugen. It is a half hour service where you can sing, pray, or just listen.
So, the journey begins. Come Wednesday, February 22 at 6:30 p.m.
“Dust and Ashes”
Words by Brian Wren Words © 1989 Hope Publishing Company.
Reprinted with permission under
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