In the Gospel of John, Jesus feeds over 5,000 people - as much as they wanted to eat! - with only two small fish and five small loaves of bread offered up by one young boy. And as if that weren’t miraculous enough, the disciples then collect 12 baskets full of leftovers!!
I love this story about God’s abundance, about God’s ability to grow a little into a lot, and about our job as disciples to feed hungry people.
It was amazing to see all of these things in action this past month with our community garden here at Holy Cross. Our little garden boxes are starting to produce vegetables, but on a fairly small scale. And yet, with those few veggies along with the vegetables generously donated by our congregation members from their gardens, we were able to give away baskets full of vegetables! And yes, there were even leftovers!
Our free produce stand gave away vegetables to over a dozen families in the neighborhood, as well as to families from our own congregation. Our food pantry gave out bags of fresh produce to over 50 families! And, believe it or not, as I am writing this there are still a few leftover vegetables out on the table.
Our tiny little garden is just getting started, but with God’s goodness we are already able to do great things. We are able to share God’s abundance and help feed hungry people. Because the miraculous truth is that God provides all that we have, and there is more than enough to share.