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February is a month of LOVE! On the 14th of this month, we'll celebrate Valentine's Day and share treats and nice words with people we LOVE! Did you know that YOU are loved? You are! Not only does our church family love you very much but GOD loves you very much! And don't you forget it!

Sunday School

I know these at home lessons are not ideal. If you are not doing them, please know that it's okay! I would be lying if I said that we were doing them on a regular basis at our house. Between the lessons and Becky & I being live on Facebook each Sunday, my hope is that somehow, those things give you a little bit of a springboard for some faith conversations at home. We are missing you a LOT, but we are hopeful that we will be together soon!

Here is the schedule for February:

Feb 7: Healing the Sick, Raising the Dead

Feb 14: The Trasfiguration

Feb 21: The Samaritan, Martha & Mary

Feb 28: Jesus Preaches Repentence 


This month, we begin the church season of Lent. Lent is a season where we turn our focus to Jesus, the things Jesus did, preached, and taught his followers - and us. We take some time to reflect on and pray about what it is that we are called to and who we are called to be as Jesus' disciples. 

Becky shared a REALLY fun Lenten activity with me and I wanted to share it with YOU! Together as a family, you can make pretzels together! Did you know that pretzels actually have some meaning behind them? Click HERE to read the full activity. You can do this together as a family, as a reminder that the Lenten season is a time to slow down, reflect, and pray. 

Music, Art & VBS Camp!

Save the date! We are hopeful that July 19-23, 2021, we will be gathered together for our Music, Art & VBS Day Camp! Stay tuned for more information coming soon!