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Children's Ministry

Backpack Blessing

Bring your backpack to church on Sunday August 11th for a special blessing as we celebrate the beginning of a new school year!

Sunday School

Save the date! Our Sunday School Kick Off will be Sunday September 8th! We can't wait to see you soon!

Wednesday Night Programming

Save the date! Wednesday night programming will begin Wednesday September 11th. 

The Children's Ministry Program Regstration Form is linked below! Please fill it out and have it back to Kelsey by August 31.

Junior High

Acolyte Schedule

Here is the August acolyte schedule:
August 4: Piper F.
August 11: Jack F.
August 18: Blythe B.
August 25: Ella K.

Confirmation Parent Meeting

Parents, you will meet with Pastor Heather following worship on Sunday September 8th to talk about Confirmation programming and expectations. Please do your best to be there!

Confirmation Begins

Save the date! Confirmation will begin on Wednesday September 11th.


High School

Youth Group

Save the date! Youth Group will begin again on Wednesday September 11th. Can't wait to see you soon!

Fall Craft Fair

Mark your calendars! Our Fall Craft Fair will be Saturday November 16th from 9a-3p. This is a fundraiser for the youth fund, so please plan to be there to help! More information will be coming in the next month or two!