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Children's Ministry

Sunday School Begins!

We can't wait to see you on September 8th as we begin a new year of Sunday School! Meet in the Sanctuary following worship at 10:40 AM for a Welcome and Opening Music, then we'll head to our classrooms to meet our teachers and get to know each other! 

Here are our Sunday School teachers for the 2024-2025 school year:

PreK-Kinder: Kelsey Ellis
1st-3rd Grade: Kelley Kennedy
4th-5th: Judy Glesne and Eric & Jen Gitt

We'll see you September 8th!

Wednesday Night Programming

Our Wednesday Night Programming will begin on Wednesday September 11th. 

6:00 - Uke Choir (K-5th)
6:30 - Mid Week Worship
7:00 - Radical Ringers (K-5th)

Children's Ministry Registration Form

Scroll down to the end of this page to find our 2024-2025 Children's Ministry Registration form. Filling this out helps us plan for class sizes and music prep. Thanks for turning those in!


Junior High

Acolyte Schedule

Here is the September acolyte schedule:
Sept 1: Emma R
Sept 8: Anna G.
Sept 15: Harrison G.
Sept 22: Jack F.
Sept 29: Emma R.

Confirmation Parent Meeting & Acolyte Training

Parents, you will meet with Pastor Heather following worship on Sunday September 8th to talk about Confirmation expectations. 

Confirmation Bibles

Save the date! 6th Graders will receive their Confirmation Bibles during worship on Sunday September 8th.

Confirmation Begins

Save the date! Confirmation will begin on Wednesday September 11th.

Here is the September Confirmation Schedule:
September 11: Martin Luther & the Reformation (Pastor Heather)
September 18: Pantry Prep
September 25: Baptism (Kelsey)

Each week will have the same format:
6:00-6:25 - Confirmation 
6:30 - Mid Week Worship
7:00-7:30 - Confirmation

High School

Youth Group

Save the date! Youth Group will begin again on Wednesday September 11th. We will meet at 7:00 PM back in the Youth Room for about an hour. Each Wednesday night looks a little different - game nights, Youth Gathering Prep nights, study nights, social nights - whatever it looks like, we hope you can join us in this safe place for ALL high school teenagers. 

Fall Craft Fair

Mark your calendars! Our Fall Craft Fair will be Saturday November 16th from 9a-3p. This is a fundraiser for the youth fund, so please plan to be there to help! More information will be coming in the next month or two!