This forum is centered around individuals who interact with children in any capacity: friend, neighbor, family member, community member, parent, grandparent, childcare provider. Some of the content that we’ll discuss:
Communicating through picture books is an adult forum centered on how to engage in difficult topics with children through the use of a picture book.
As a parent, I don't always have the answer or know exactly what to say when my child asks a question. Especially a question that I'm not prepared to answer. I find myself fumbling for words to say at the moment. Usually, I replay our dialogue back through my thoughts afterwards often feeling inadequate and unsure of if I said the “right” thing.
Honestly, I get caught up in a cycle of thinking that looks a bit like..
Upbringing is hard work! There’s no “one-way” to childrearing. What I have learned though, is that engaging successfully with children often requires having at least thought about the answers to life's questions beforehand.
Come join us. We’re figuring it out together.