During Vacation Bible School this year, we are learning about people in our own community and all over the world whom we are called to share God’s love with. For one of our sessions during our week together, the kids will be putting together hygiene kits to be donated to Youth Emergency Services.
Youth Emergency Services assists youth experiencing homelessness or near homelessness by providing the needed resources to support them in their desire to become self-sufficient. They have a street outreach, an emergency shelter, transitional living resources, a maternity group home, and more.
After contacting Youth Emergency Services to see what they are in need of, we are looking for donations from the congregation for the following items:
If you are able to donate any of the above items, please bring them to church and put them in the appropriately labeled bin in the narthex by Sunday July 18th.
Thank you for helping our VBS kids learn how to share God’s love with our neighbor!